
 Kamusta y'all!
      The past few weeks we've really been focusing on helping the members do missionary work. An important part of our baptismal covenant is " to stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places that ye may be in." (Mosiah 18:9) Throughout my mission I've been learning a lot about how easy it is to do little things that invite others to come unto Christ. But we've been teaching the people here about simple things they can do that will help others. Often the members are discouraged, They feel like they've already invited everyone they know and they all said no. But the result of our efforts is completely out of our control. And the fact that our invitation wasn't accepted doesn't mean we failed. I know that we succeed every time we share our testimony through our service, example, or words. And when we do, our Heavenly Father has promised that we will receive joy. (Doctrine and Covenants 18:15)
    Aganad y'all!
       Sister Harrison
1. My companion makes really good food :)


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