Kahit araw araw

Kamusta y'all!
    We've still been settling in this week, but I'm starting to get to know Solano and the members in the branch here have been really helpful. On Wednesday one of the sisters in our apartment had to go to a meeting, so her companion joined us for the day. Even though she's only been in the field for a week, she was so great! Her Tagalog is pretty good, and she was able to help us teach some great lessons.
     We've been teaching Brother Holiber, and he's super great. He really likes reading the Book of Mormon, and he'll ask us questions about things he doesn't understand. (Mostly the deep tagalog, but other stuff too) He recognizes the importance of the process of repentance, and that repentance is an essential step in preparing for baptism. He talked about how getting baptized with out repenting first is pretty much useless. I know that Christ's gospel is divinely designed to help us become like our Heavenly Father. I know that as we make that plan the focus of everything we do, who we are will gradually change to who we have the potential to be.
    Ingat y'all!
      Sister Harrison
- y'all don't get any pictures this week because this computer is being weird


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