Parang isla

Last week when we talked to Julia she was really excited because they had been having problems with their water in their apartment, super low pressure plus a huge water bill, so they had someone come and look at it.  They were able to actually make their shower head work, so for the first time since she's been there she had a working shower! And then within about a week she was transferred. But I know she enjoyed it while it lasted :)

  Kamusta y'all!
     So I was transferred again (I'm actually kind of getting used to it) and am in a little place called Caliguian with Sister Abellana. Sister Abellana has been here for a while, and she's just so sweet and eager to learn. Our area is super tiny, but the branch here is great. There are some great members who are always wanting to help us. We also have some really cool people we're teaching. Neil Jhon's dad was baptized a couple months ago, and he's getting baptized this Saturday! Even though he works far away, he comes all the way back here just for us to teach him. We're so excited for his baptism, and he's already planning on serving a mission. I'm really excited to get to know the people. I know that Heavenly Father's plan for us is something much greater than we could design for ourselves. I know that when we trust Him, He will make all things work out for our good.
 I'm sorry that I didn't get to call you today. It's kinda funny that it's the one time I can't, and it's mother's day! So I'm not going to be able to video call here because the internet here is awful, so I'll just go back to regular calls. I'll call y'all next week! We are allowed to be outside, but our curfew is 6pm yesterday, today, and tomorrow. So that's a little rough, but it's better than staying inside all day.
(we had heard on Facebook that missionaries might not be able to call because of elections going on there and they would have to stay home all day)
    It's been raining every day here, which is a blessing and a curse. It's great because it cools down, but it's not great because then the streets are flooded. So we just trudge through the puddles in the dark trying to find someone who's house we can get to without the water being too deep. But it's not hot which is really great. So you win some and you lose some :)
    People here love their hammocks. Around noon-2ish is nap-time. So people just have their hammocks set up in the shade and take a nap. And they look really comfortable.
 It was really funny, yesterday Sister Abellana and I forgot about mother's day until we got to church. Which a year ago would never have happened, because we would be all excited to call home. 
    But being a missionary we get to see a lot of different kinds of families. And it's made me more grateful for our family. There are so many broken families, and so few families united in the gospel. There are a lot of people who come to church alone. Teenagers without their parents, women and men without their spouses. I've met a lot of missionaries who are the only active member in their families. As I've been studying and teaching about families, I understand more about just how important families are to Heavenly Father's plan for us. I'm just grateful that I'm a part of a family that has been centered on Christ's gospel. Of course no family is perfect, but I know that our family is perfect for us. :)
    Ingat y'all!
      Sister Harrison
1. The only picture I have with me and Sister Abellana


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