
Kamusta y'all!
     So I got to give a surprise sacrament meeting talk again! Although this time I had a little more preparation because I found out Saturday night. So I spent that night studying the scriptures, and ended up collecting a handful I could share. Then I went through the latest General Conference talks to see if I could find any quotes that connected with my topic. And I found Elder Dale G. Renlund's talk "Choose You This Day". He used almost all of the scriptures I had found, so I kind of ended up copying him. But I promise I found the scriptures on my own! Hopefully that means I was kinda inspired. :) But y'all should read that talk because it is really good, and I wish I'd been able to spend more time studying it before I spoke in sacrament meeting.
    I've got another story about Brother Jerick so get ready :)
    This week we taught him about the purpose and importance of prophets, and about our living prophet. After the lesson we wrote President Nelson's name on a piece of paper to help him remember it. Then the next day we taught him again, and Brother Jerick said the closing prayer after our lesson. In his prayer he expressed gratitude for a living prophet, Russel M. Nelson, and for the prophet Joseph Smith. While it is a wonderful blessing to pray for the prophet, this wasn't something we'd ever taught Brother Jerick to do. He just figured that out on his own. He was able to recognize the blessings of prophets and he understands what prayer is. Whenever we teach him he connects the good things that happen in his life to the gospel. He wakes up with more energy now that he's not drinking coffee. When work is slow one day, he prays about it, and it gets better the next day. 
    I'm just so grateful for the opportunity to see the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ working in someones life. I know that Christ is the solution to every problem and the answer to every question. And I know that when we choose to follow Him there is no end to the blessings we will receive.
    Ingat y'all!
      Sister Harrison
1. We went to a new area and decided to take some pictures in the corn field :)



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