Tatlo po kami!

Kamusta y'all!
   It feels like an eternity since we've had a semi-normal P-day. (aka without an early curfew). So we're definitely happy about that. New Years wasn't particularly eventful, but Wednesday was transfers. First we were told that neither of us were leaving and we were super happy, and then a few hours later they told us we were getting another companion! Her name is Sister Bitancor and she is a Filipina! She's from Manila and she can speak Tagalog and even a decent bit of Ilokano. We are super grateful. I mean, we were actually doing pretty well before, but sometimes we just had to write down what people we taught were saying and ask someone else later :) 
   Last-last Sunday, I played the piano for sacrament meeting for the first time. Neither of our usual pianists were there, and the other piano playing members didn't have enough songs prepared. So we had Brother Hyrum play the opening and intermediate him, Sister Jenny played the sacrament hymn, and I played the closing hymn. It was kinda crazy, but it was also fun. Our church time changed from 8:30 to 8:00, and the members struggle with being late, so we were kinda worried. But we actually had more members than normal at sacrament meeting! ...they were still late though. Maybe they heard that it was only 2 hours now, I don't know, but we were glad to have them there :)
   I'm really happy to still be here in Diffun and to continue serving the people I love so much. We've been teaching the Manantan family and they are just so inspiring. Their desire to go to church is so strong, even when they have so many obstacles before them. They know that when they're at church they feel happy, so they're willing to make sacrifices to be there. Sometimes it's hard for us to live the gospel, but I know the blessings we will receive will always outweigh the cost. And we get credit for trying!
   Ingat y'all!
     Sister Harrison
1. My zone got me a cake for our zone activity this morning :)


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