
Showing posts from January, 2019

Kaya ko ito

Kamusta y'all!      So this week we were adjusting back to just the two of us. But we were able to work with the members a lot, so we weren't too lonely. We worked with a couple sisters who are preparing for their missions. I always feel like we're so busy, but I can't really think of anything particularly special that happened.     This week we were teaching a lot of people about commandments. As I've been learning more about Heavenly Father's plan and the importance of agency, I better understand the reason why God gives us commandments to follow. It's easy to see them as barriers, rules, or inconveniences. But I know that the only way Heavenly Father can give us all the blessings He wants to is if we keep His commandments. When we choose to keep His commandments we choose to accept His blessings. I know that our Heavenly Father has a plan for each of His children and He knows the way for us to find true joy. I'm so grateful that I ge

Dalawa lang...

Kamusta y'all!    Well this week was certainly an adventure. Being in a trio is super fun, but it has its challenges. Especially when there's only one CR(bathroom) and we don't have any running water in the morning. But as of this morning our trio is no more. Sister Bitancor was transferred to... Santiago! We just found out last night, and we were sad to say goodbye. But we're still in the same zone so that's fun. It feels weird to just have two of us. I'm always worried that we're missing someone. Sister Bitancor was only with us for almost three weeks, but it definitely feels like a lot longer with all we've been through.   Lately we've been teaching the Domingo family and they are so great. They're the family of one sister in our ward, and she comes with us to teach them almost every day. They're always so excited to see us, and it's so much fun to teach them. We're so blessed to be in this area and to have the opp

20th Birthday

We got these pictures and a video of Julia's birthday, from the Stake President's wife.

Saan po kami?

Hello po y'all!    This week has certainly been eventful, in that it included a lot of traveling. To Santiago, then back to Diffun, then back to Santiago, then Diffun, then Santiago, then Diffun, and right now we're in Santiago. But later today we'll be back in Diffun. But don't worry, we're coming to Santiago again later this week. It's been pretty fun, but I'm looking forward to having at least a few days where we can just work in our area. Because Diffun is just the best.:)    The highlight of the week was a nationwide stake conference broadcast with Elder Holland. The broadcast was at the stake center... in Santiago. Going to church in Santiago is very difficult for many of our members, and most of the people we're teaching had told us they wouldn't be able to come. But we've been teaching an older brother named Mario, and last week he wasn't able to come to church. The next time we taught him, he expressed regret at not be

Tatlo po kami!

Kamusta y'all!    It feels like an eternity since we've had a semi-normal P-day. (aka without an early curfew). So we're definitely happy about that. New Years wasn't particularly eventful, but Wednesday was transfers. First we were told that neither of us were leaving and we were super happy, and then a few hours later they told us we were getting another companion! Her name is Sister Bitancor and she is a Filipina! She's from Manila and she can speak Tagalog and even a decent bit of Ilokano. We are super grateful. I mean, we were actually doing pretty well before, but sometimes we just had to write down what people we taught were saying and ask someone else later :)     Last-last Sunday, I played the piano for sacrament meeting for the first time. Neither of our usual pianists were there, and the other piano playing members didn't have enough songs prepared. So we had Brother Hyrum play the opening and intermediate him, Sister Jenny played th