Dalawa lang...

Kamusta y'all!
   Well this week was certainly an adventure. Being in a trio is super fun, but it has its challenges. Especially when there's only one CR(bathroom) and we don't have any running water in the morning. But as of this morning our trio is no more. Sister Bitancor was transferred to... Santiago! We just found out last night, and we were sad to say goodbye. But we're still in the same zone so that's fun. It feels weird to just have two of us. I'm always worried that we're missing someone. Sister Bitancor was only with us for almost three weeks, but it definitely feels like a lot longer with all we've been through.
  Lately we've been teaching the Domingo family and they are so great. They're the family of one sister in our ward, and she comes with us to teach them almost every day. They're always so excited to see us, and it's so much fun to teach them. We're so blessed to be in this area and to have the opportunity to teach these people. Their faith and determination even when things are hard helps us overcome our own challenges. I'm excited to see them progress and to find others we can help through the gospel of Jesus Christ.

1. Teaching Sister Caren with part of her family

Diffun used to be split into two areas, so they had four mattresses, and 1 bed plus 1 bunkbed. So that worked out okay. Unfortunately we only had two desks, so Sister Bitancor just used the table. We were going to try to get another desk, but I guess we don't need to anymore. But if they end up putting another companionship here we'll need to make some adjustments and get some desks.
   So burgers are a thing here. Which is good, though I haven't had like a good burger yet. We have Mcdonalds here, and they serve hamburgers, but they're Mcdonalds hamburgers. Also they serve fried chicken with rice, because you can't have a meal without rice. They also have these little burger stands where you can get buy 1 get one free for super cheap which is fun, but they're really tiny. I've tried pizza here once, but it's different. There tomato sauce tastes different here, it's sweeter. So their pizza is sweet and so is their spaghetti. It's really good, but it's really different too. People always make spaghetti for special occasions because you can make a lot of it for pretty cheap.The mall/supermarket sells American brand food which is really expensive, and then they also have their Philippines off brands which are still good- though different.
    I pretty much am just not picky at all anymore, though maybe it's just here? I don't know. People just serve me food and I eat it and it tastes good. Like earlier Sister Manumaleuga told me to try something, and she said it had octopus and I didn't even bat an eye. I just ate it and it was yummy. But it's fun. The food here is really good, and even if there's something I don't like as much, there's always rice so it's fine
Ingat y'all!
      Sister Harrison


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