Gawang pinoy

Kamusta y'all!
     I feel like I'm always saying this, but time is just flying by. Transfer day is on Wednesday, which means I've been in Caliguian with Sister Abellana for six weeks. Though it feels like almost yesterday. This past week was our zone conference. It was President and Sister Hiatt's last zone conference because we'll be getting a new mission president in July. During the conference we watched a short video called "By Small and Simple Means" which was about how the Church started off so small, and how it has become something so much greater than anyone could have anticipated. 
    I've been able to see that growth, the hastening of the work, a lot as a missionary in the Philippines. This last week I got to attend a chapel dedication for another area in our zone. It was such a great testimony of the faithfulness of the members in that area. Some members make such great sacrifices for so long just to be able to attend church. A family in our branch told us about how the three of them would fit on one bicycle to ride to church. Rain or shine for two years until they were able to buy a motorcycle.
     I know that this is the Lord's work. Regardless of how small or simple we believe we are, we have the potential to become a great part of the gathering of Israel.
     Aganad y'all!
        Sister Harrison
1. The new Malig chapel
2. Decided to take a picture of our chapel too :)
 Pictures from zone conference from the senior missionaries



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