
Showing posts from May, 2019

Kamusta y'all!

We had a pretty good week. We found some new people to teach, and we've been helping the Brother and Sister Emiliano get ready for their baptism on Saturday! This week I learned about respecting the agency of others. We have one sister we're teaching that we're struggling to help pray. She says she prays on her own, but no matter what we try she won't pray with us. We were getting pretty stuck about how to help her. But I realized that we're already doing everything we can. We've taught her how to pray and why it's important. We've encouraged her and tried to figure out what her concerns are. We've done our part. Now it's up to her. No one can force her to do anything she doesn't want to do.     And that's how it is for all of us. No one can force us to do anything, good or bad. That's the power that has been given to us that will never be taken away. We don't get to choose the results of our choices, but our power

Bassit lang

 Kamusta y'all!      We had a pretty great week, and a pretty hot week too. Brother Neil John was baptized and it was so great!  The missionaries met him at his dad's baptism, and have been teaching him for several months. And he was so excited to finally be baptized.   It was really funny because he's always late to his lesson appointments. So that morning we texted him and reminded him that it was important to be early so the baptism would start on time. So Neil John came early. But he was 3 Hours early!       This week we found some really cool people to teach. Unfortunately, they only understand Ilocano. And neither of us speak Ilocano. So we've started studying Ilocano, but in the meantime we have some awesome members that help during their lessons. It's such an expression of God's love that He wants all of His children to receive the gospel in their own language. Sometimes when we teach people to pray they're shy because we won't u

Parang isla

Last week when we talked to Julia she was really excited because they had been having problems with their water in their apartment, super low pressure plus a huge water bill, so they had someone come and look at it.  They were able to actually make their shower head work, so for the first time since she's been there she had a working shower! And then within about a week she was transferred. But I know she enjoyed it while it lasted :)   Kamusta y'all!      So I was transferred again (I'm actually kind of getting used to it) and am in a little place called Caliguian with Sister Abellana. Sister Abellana has been here for a while, and she's just so sweet and eager to learn. Our area is super tiny, but the branch here is great. There are some great members who are always wanting to help us. We also have some really cool people we're teaching. Neil Jhon's dad was baptized a couple months ago, and he's getting baptized this Saturday! Even though he wor

sa pangalan Niya

Kamusta y'all!     This week was pretty great. We had zone conference in Cauayan, and we learned a lot about the importance of every principle in the gospel of Jesus Christ. The gospel is God's plan for us to return to Him, and to become like Him. We can't skip any steps. There's no shortcut. No alternate route that is faster or easier. It's faith in Jesus Christ and His atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end. That is the way for us to find eternal joy. Heavenly Father wants us to do the things He's asked of us is because He wants us to be happy. His ways are higher than our ways, so that means we don't always see how things will work out for our good. But that's okay. We just have to keep going line upon line, act according to the light we can see. I know that Heavenly Father loves each of us, and He sees in us far greater things than we can even imagine.     Ingat y'all!