
Showing posts from December, 2018

Maligayang Pasko!

Kamusta y'all!   I hope y'alls Christmas was great. We had an early curfew for Christmas and Christmas eve and it's the same for New Year's eve and New Years. Which is mostly fine, except Christmas was kinda boring because we wanted to be working. But otherwise this week went really great. We recently started teaching a family and most of them came to church yesterday! We were so happy to see them, and hopefully next week we can help the rest of them come too.    It has been raining literally almost all day every day for the past week. Which means my shoes are just permanently muddy. But it's still fun. Especially when your companion slips and gets mud on her skirt and has to borrow a members' skirt so we can keep working. She's never really slipped before so she thought it was hilarious. Transfers are this week, but we're both hoping to stay together in Diffun. We have a lot of great ideas and great people we're teaching. I'

Christmas party and Skype!

Pictures from Facebook from her zone Christmas party.   Pictures from the skype call. Christmas for her, Christmas Eve for us. We got to talk for quite awhile. The picture wasn't great and the connection wasn't always great but it was great to see and talk to her!! They actually went to their zone leaders' bishop's house that is about 50 minutes away to get a better connection.  

It's beginning to look..

 Maligayang pasko y'all!     So it doesn't exactly look a lot like Christmas, but it does finally look like the rainy season. It's been raining pretty much every day, and I actually felt cold once! It was a very unusual sensation. But everyone else was freezing and it was kinda funny, even Sister Manumaleuga because she's from Australia. I love rain, so it wouldn't be too bad, except rain means that the roads are all muddy. My shoes end up being covered in mud by the end of the day, but it's still fun and I definitely don't mind the break from the heat.     For most of the time I've been here, the people we've been teaching can speak/understand Tagalog pretty well. So they're able to figure out what we mean even if it's not always correct. But lately we've been meeting a lot of people that mostly just speak Ilokano. Which is kinda difficult, but still fun. Sister Manumaleuga and I are pretty much on the same level when it

Pili ng tama

Hello po y'all!      We had a pretty great week. We spent a lot of time getting to know the areas we haven't been in as much. Even though I've been here for three months, I feel like I'm getting to know Diffun better every day. But even though we don't always know where everything is, we've had so many great experiences where we ended up being in the right place at the right time anyway. One day we were heading to visit someone I'd only been to a couple times. I knew there were two ways to get there, and one was faster. But I could only remember the long route so we went that way. And because we went that way we were able to contact someone who had been taught by missionaries several years ago and was interested in having us come back. I know that I wasn't able to remember the right path because on that day it wasn't the right path.     On Sunday we got to watch the First Presidency's Christmas devotional and it was so good! I l

Mga bawal

Kamusta y'all!    So Diffun is still great, and it's December so it's time to get ready for Pasko! I put up paper snowflakes in our apartment so it feels like winter... it's still hot though. It's been a rough week because Sister Manumaleuga has some allergies/infections and we were trying to figure out her medication. But she's doing alright now, and we were still able to do some great work. We had several days where our plans all went wrong, but Heavenly Father directed us to where He needed us to be.      The other day I was studying a verse in Tagalog, when I noticed one of the words was translated in a way I didn't expect. It was 3 Nephi 12:48. "Therefore I would that ye should be perfect even as I, or your Father who is in heaven is perfect." But in Tagalog, perfect wasn't translated directly to "perpekto."  Instead the Aklat ni Mormon uses the word "ganap" which means complete or whole. And I think