
Showing posts from July, 2018

May sakit kasama ko :(

Kamusta y'all!      Well, this week has been unusual. My kasama has been sick all week, so we've been to urgent care and had to take some sick days. But she's on the mend so that's good :)       On Wednesday we had zone conference, which was excellent! It was so fun to meet so many missionaries, and I learned so much from President and Sister Lee. I'm definitely going to miss the friends I've made here. After zone conference we had tradeoffs with the Sister Training Leaders. I got to spend a few days in St. Augustine with Sister Redford who is so awesome. She's from West Point, Utah and we're both obsessed with theater. It's crazy that we had to come all the way to Florida to meet each other. I loved learning from and with her. Being away from St Johns made me realize how comfortable I've gotten here. Because coming back felt like I was coming home :)     Because Sister Topham was sleeping a lot, I had plenty of time to prepare

Sa Tagalog!

Kamusta y'all!      I'm not sure if this has been the longest or shortest week ever. But I have learned so much everyday. My kasama, Sister Topham, is so fun and because we're both new we get to struggle and figure things out together.    I've been told the work here goes in waves, and right now we're on the downhill. Which means we haven't found any new people to teach, most of the people we're teaching are busy and don't make time to talk to us, and some of the people we're teaching have dropped us. That isn't the most fun thing ever, but we just keep on working.     This last week we've met with the members a lot in order for me to get some practice teaching, and to ask for any referrals. The members in the St. Johns ward are so nice and generous. Apparently during most of the year they feed us almost every day, but because it's summer we've been getting fed about four times a week. We're pretty spoiled. But I will warn y

Maganda ni Florida

Kamusta y'all!    I'm in Florida now. It is hot and humid and rainy, so it's pretty much like the Philippines. And I love it! Everyone is super nice. I ate pretty much nothing on Tuesday while I was traveling here, because I didn't have time. So it was so great to have a home cooked meal when we got to Florida. I got to spend my first night at the mission home. President and Sister Lee are pretty much the best. They are so kind and they take really good care of us.    The next day we had some trainings, and then we got our kasamas and headed right to our areas. My kasama is Sister Topham and she is absolutely wonderful. She's been here for 3 months and she's helping me learn so much.    The members here are amazing! They are so involved in the work and they feed us almost every day. We've been practicing some lessons with them, because I'd never taught a lesson in English before. And we've had some wonderful experiences encouragi


Kamusta po!    I made it to Florida in one piece and it wasn't even that bad. FYI- it's humid here. President and Sister Lee are lovely, and they have a blog. It's floridajacksonvillemissionnews . Also I have a phone now! It feels really weird and it's a Samsung so I'm struggling. P-day is Monday so I'll email you then.      Mahal kita!   Sister Harrison    

Ano po ang Inggles?

    Magadang umaga!   I hope you all had a great time celebrating American Friendship day! In the Philippines, they celebrate Filipino independence from America on July 4th. So we all dressed up in the colors of the Philippines flag, red, white, and blue. We even got to stay up late and watch fireworks from the Stadium of Fire! It was really weird to be outside when it got dark, and we were super exhausted the next day. But we had a lot of fun!   The other day we had one of our last lessons with our "tinuturuan" named Greg. During our lesson, I knew I needed to share a scripture that I didn't have prepared. So I just flipped through my scriptures and almost instantly found a verse that fit perfectly. I know that we can go the the Book of Mormon with any question we have, and if we search and pray, we will find an answer every time.   This week has been quite the whirlwind. A week ago I received my travel plans to head to the Philippines, but we all kne

"I'll go where you want me to go"

    Kamusta po So, I've been reassigned. I'm going to the Florida Jacksonville mission. I don't have my travel information yet, but I'll probably be getting that soon. There is still a chance that my visa will come in and I'll be going to the Philippines, it's happened before, but it's likely I'll be heading to Florida next week. I'm not sure how I feel right now, but I know that whatever happens is the right thing. A few weeks ago a few of us sisters fasted for our visas, there were four of us. The other three are heading to the Philippines Cauayan mission. But when I fasted, I fasted to feel reassurance that whatever happened was God's will and the right thing for me. I don't know if I feel that yet, but I know I can feel that. I know I can serve the Lord as a missionary anywhere in the world.    Mahal kita,          Sister Harrison