
Showing posts from October, 2019

Ikaw muna

Kamusta y'all!    So transfers happened, which is always an adventure. But the good news is now I'm with Sister Trinidad! This is her second area and she's soo cool. And I get to be kabahays with Sister Ward! We've only seen each other in passing since the MTC, so it's fun to be together again. :)     We had a really cool experience this week when we went to go teach one of our recent converts, Brother Ricardo. We had called another recent convert, Brother Harvey to see if he could come to the lesson too. We tried calling a couple times, but he didn't respond. So we just headed to our appointment and started. As we were singing the opening song, Brother Harvey just walked right in. We hadn't left him a text or anything telling him where we were or what time we'd be there. He just saw that he had two missed calls, and because he wanted to be taught so badly, guessed where we were and showed up.       It was just made me think about how


Kamusta y'all!      It was a fun week to be in Alinguigan. We got to explore a new area, and we met a lot of members there. We also got to attend the other sisters' baptism on Saturday. This next week is transfer week and we got the news today. Sister Albalate will be leaving me! :( We've had so much fun together and made a lot of progress here, but I'm also excited to work with someone new.     I spoke in sacrament meeting this week (again.. that's nothing new). But I learned a lot as I pondered the messages from general conference. I ended up talking about something President Nelson said in the General Women's session.      "Part of this endeavor will require you to put aside many things of this world.... But truly doing so requires you to examine your life meticulously and regularly. As you do so, the Holy Ghost will prompt you about what is no longer needful, what is no longer worthy of your time and energy. As you shift your focus a


Kamusta y'all!      So this week was pretty much just the best... I guess mostly this weekend, but still! It all started with Brother Ricardo's baptism. Brother Ricardo's wife and children are all members, and are some of the pioneers here in the Alinguigan Ward. But for about 25 years, he was never interested in being baptized or attending church with his family. Now, almost a year after being paralyzed and blind, he's found his way into the gospel fold. He has entered the path of happiness and hope that means his family can be together. The years of patience, diligence, love, and prayers of his family have ultimately resulted well deserved blessings.      Right after the baptism, we watched general conference. And It seems that every general conference is better than the last. I'm not sure if they actually are getting better, or I'm just getting better at getting the most out of them. I found answers to questions I'd prepared, and even to

"Pero alam ko"

 Kamusta y'all!       So General Conference happened, but we won't be watching it until this weekend. Brother Ricardo is also getting baptized this weekend, so we're going to be really busy, and really happy. :) Brother Ricardo's wife and children have all been members for a while, and now he's finally ready. He was paralyzed almost a year ago, and can't speak very clearly. This last week we sang Silent Night, and because he knows the words he started singing along. It was a really special moment :)       We had our testimony meeting yesterday in sacrament meeting. While one brother was bearing his testimony he forgot President Nelson's name. So he just said "I forgot his name, but I know we have a living prophet." That got me thinking about his confidence in his testimony. Even though he couldn't remember the prophet's name, he knew with absolute certainly that there was a living prophet. That's a blessing for our disp