
Showing posts from September, 2018

Missionary Dream Team

Kamusta y'all!     Well, with no surprise meetings or super typhoons, this week was pretty normal. And honestly, the typhoon really didn't affect this area much. The missionaries that were evacuated from the areas farther north still haven't been able to return yet. They're spending two weeks working in other areas and then they'll be able to go back. Some trees came down here and there were branches strewn about, but other than that everyone here was pretty much fine. But it was still good for us to be prepared for something worse. We'd certainly rather be safe than sorry. What with traveling so much and preparing for the bagyo, we really weren't able to proselyte as much as we wanted to. So we were happy to be able to really get to work. We really are never at a loss for things to do. We try to plan to spend most of our time each day in a specific area, with back up plans if someone isn't there. It's only rough when we travel reall

Bagyo 101 (Storm 101)

Kamusta y'all!  So it sounds like I've pretty much had two of the most exciting weeks you can have on a mission. What with last week's surprise mission conference and this week's super typhoon. Because of the typhoon, we weren't able to work as much as we wanted to. We had a couple days almost completely dedicated to preparing for the storm, and then we spent all Saturday inside. You might think that because we weren't allowed to leave our house that we wouldn't get any missionary work done on Saturday. You would be... almost right, but you would be wrong! Because we had a baptism on Saturday! Sister Tampus and I weren't able to be there, but Sister Karene was baptized, and we got to be there for her confirmation on Sunday. It's kinda crazy that I wasn't at the first baptism of my mission, but a little wind and rain isn't going to stop the work of the Lord.    The actual typhoon didn't affect us too badly. We got some pret

September 4-9

Kamusta y'all   Well this week has been pretty crazy. We spent a lot of time traveling because we had to leave our area so many times. We spent Tuesday night in Santiago with the Sister training leaders because we had to be in Cauayan City at 8 in the morning on Wednesday for a mission conference. Then we had interviews with President Hiatt on Friday. It was fun to see other missionaries a bunch and have some excitement in our schedule, but because of that we weren't out proselyting as much as normal which was rough. Sunday was great because we found several people that were so kind and seemed really interested in what we were teaching. It's so interesting how people here are willing to stop what they're doing and listen to us for a few minutes. We just have to be able to tell if they're actually interested or not.     One of the sisters we're teaching had her baptismal interview on Saturday! Her name is Karene and her baptism is scheduled for th

More pics

We were sent these pictures from the mission office. -With President and Sister Hiatt -With her companion/trainer Sister Tampus -Arriving in Cauayan City


Kamusta y'all!   I've made it! After several (long/short) months I am currently in the Philippines Cauayan mission. I am serving in the Diffun area with Sister Tampus. (I don't currently have any pictures of her yet, I'll work on it) She is wonderful, and we've both been on our missions about the same amount of time, meaning we'll be leaving together which is crazy. She's from Cagayan de Oro. She speaks English pretty well, but sometimes we have to look up a word in the dictionary in order to communicate. It's been fun to trade words and learn together.    This area is so beautiful! It's kinda(really) hot here, but not as bad as I feared. Also, the humidity isn't really bothering me, I guess I'm already pretty used to it. We left the MTC at 3 in the morning and had a bit of a wait for our flight. There were 28 of us going to the Cauayan mission. Our training at the mission home took a really long time because they'd neve